Friday, October 24, 2008


Strategic Planning. Finding new directions and different approaches of the consumer targets to improve the selling process. (For this are required market research, SWOT analisys, "What if?"analyse and new proposals)

Briefs. Building briefs for the creative teams that will make the advertising campaigns for the product.

Image campaigns. Here we are trying to build a strong brand image on the market using all the brand values together with the visual identity. Creating a story for the brand image. Getting more in touch with the consumers.

Promotional campaigns. We put all the advantages in front, we give more than others, we create something extraordinary! An offer that can't be refused is the main goal in these promotional campaigns.

BTL is called the below-the-line concept of unconventional campaign such as events, exhibitions and others. We follow the target, we find an ideea and organize all the happenings.

Control. In these campaigns we are monitoring all the marketing process and we are making reports after that.